All my performance work is theatre. I have varying degrees of experience with ballet, Suzuki Method of Actor Training, Viewpoints, and Odissi.
Recent projects include live performances FUME (2022) and Loving Things (to say) (2021); performance video Loving Things (2020); and audio walk 氵pasang (2022).
I am currently developing my practice as theatre director. I am keen to co-create shows that are atmospheric, intricate, and beautiful.
a meditation on inanimated objects as vital matter, presented as an album of performance videos
an ensemble piece on the collective breath in ecological crisis staged at 72-13, Singapore
a set of performance scores for a shared future
a soapy response to Stranger's Touch at Crane, Singapore
a video performance work for Days — and counting by OH! Open House about be(com)ing a house during lockdown. Further presented at Cyber Labyrinth, LightNight Liverpool.
a performance art piece on co-steeping, presented as part of Wuwei Performance Series Edition 6 at Coda Culture, Singapore
a performance about Joan of Arc, presented as a work-in-progress at Camden People's Theatre, UK
an ensemble piece on boredom, work and time at the University of Warwick, UK
a durational performance in COW Birmingham, UK, as part of the Festival of Audacity
a theatre company/ collective/ group that made original, experimental, ensemble-centric performances that challenged mainstream narrativity and visual language with a turn to symbolic dissonance and the body