In a room of funhouse mirrors, watched by her reflections, Joan
of Arc dies over and over again - in a fire, in history books, in categorisation.
In myth she's a teenager, a cross-dresser, a war hero, a heretic. In culture, she's remade at the hands
of whoever's telling the story. We find a resonance between all these Joans: real, fictional, recorded,
and lived, echoing across time.
Sit with us. Be patient. We'll exhume the myths and dig up the stories to find what's underneath. Joan
is a maid, a teenager, a warrior, a martyr. Now, she's a celebrity, a ghost. Stay with us. We'll unearth
the only written record of her words; now with many voices, Joan speaks.
Ang Kia Yee
Clara Potter-Sweet
Emma Clark
Emily Davis
Joanna Pidcock
Ciara Shrager
Supported by
Arts Council England
Calm Down Dear Festival, Camden People's Theatre, London / 5 June 2019